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Department of Biomedicine

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  • PhD General Information
  • Postgraduate Studies
  • PhD Retreats
  • Career Day Archive

International PhD Program In Biomedicine

Our interdisciplinary PhD program is associated with the PhD program in Molecular and Cellular Biology offered by the Biozentrum. At present approximately 120 PhD students are enrolled in our program and carry out their research in one of 60 research labs affiliated with the Department of Biomedicine; these candidates will  obtain a PhD degree from the Faculty of Science of the University of Basel . The Department of Biomedicine is affiliated with the Faculty of Medicine, greatly  facilitating and promot ing disease oriented biomedical research of the  highest level. 

In order to participate in the International PhD program in Biomedicine , interested candidates should contact directly the Head of a research group of the DBM .  Once they are accepted, they can then enroll in the program, provided they meet the necessary requirements ( see Guidelines and General Information ) .

Students admitted to the program receive theoretical and practical training, and conduct a research project under the supervision of research group head of the DBM as well as a DBM research group leader recognized by the Faculty of Science, monitored by a PhD thesis advisory committee (PaC). A rich program of courses, lectures, workshops and conferences organized by the Department of Biomedicine and the Biozentrum are offered to the students. PhD fellows attend yearly scientific meetings (DBM PhD scientific retreat) and have the opportunity to organize seminar series and career guidance events (see PhD Club ).

DBM PhD Coordinator

Department of Biomedicine ZLF LAB 408 University Hospital Basel Hebelstrasse 20 4031 Basel

Administrative Assistant


Guidelines / Requirements

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Important links.

  • Faculty of Science
  • PhD Program of the Biozentrum
  • Get on Track Funding for Parents

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Department of History

  • Doctoral subjects
  • Doctoral events
  • Documents doctorate

Financing options

  • FAQ Doctorate


Doctoral Subjects


Basel Graduate School of History (BGSH)

Doctoral Events

Doctoral Events


PhD Projects

Doctorates in the department of history, earning a dr. phil. in history.

The Department of History’s doctoral program provides the ideal framework for your research project and allows you to forge a successful academic career.

Our doctoral researchers play a central role in innovating historical scholarship in Basel and shaping how it is perceived. They are part of the departmental teams and research colloquiums, benefit from interdisciplinary discussion within the Basel Graduate School of History (BGSH) , determine the focal points of our event programs, and seize opportunities offered by the international networks of the department and BGSH.

Structured doctoral program

The Basel Graduate School of History (BGSH) doctoral program enables you to pursue a structured doctorate in a theoretically, methodologically and thematically stimulating environment with close collaboration between doctoral researchers. In addition to writing your dissertation, the BGSH curriculum allows you to earn 18 credit points.

Individual doctorates

If you don’t want to complete a doctorate within the BGSH framework, you have the option of an individual doctorate. In this case, you must earn 12 credit points in addition to writing your dissertation.

All doctoral researchers are automatically enrolled in the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

03 Jun 2024 / Research, Doctorate/PhD

Diss:kurs 2024 - doktoratsprojekt von thanushiyah korn.


29 Feb 2024 / Research, Doctorate/PhD

Cfp tagung «geschichte des kapitalismus», doctoral subjects (in german).

phd at university of basel

Osteuropäische Geschichte

Information doctorate, application & admission.

In addition to the information below, we recommend students from abroad to read the information sheet  step by step – Preliminary information for international PhD candidates at the University of Basel .

Admission and matriculation

To be admitted to a doctorate, applicants must hold a master’s degree in a field related to the desired subject of doctoral research with an average grade of at least 5.0 rounded to the nearest tenth (the Swiss system awards grades from 1 to 6 with 6 being the highest grade and 4 being a “pass”). Other degrees from a higher education institution recognized by the University of Basel may be deemed partially or fully equivalent on the condition that the applicant acquires any missing credits. Acontinuing education program qualification from a university (e.g. Master of Advanced Studies) does not entitle an applicant to be admitted to a doctorate.


Admission applications must be submitted online to the university’s Student Administration Office. Applications can also be submitted after the official application deadline has passed. However, there is no guarantee that the application will be processed in time for the desired semester, or that the applicant will be able to attend courses in the current semester.

Admission to a doctoral program

Before you can be accepted onto a doctoral program, you must successfully apply for admission to doctoral studies in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Basel. Once you have been admitted, you can begin your search for a place on a doctoral program. For application information, please see the website of the relevant doctoral program .

Cotutelle de thèse

The  University of Basel website provides information about how to conduct a doctoral project at the University of Basel and at a second university in a foreign country, leading to a double doctoral degree or “cotutelle   de thèse”.

Language requirements

The main languages of instruction in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences are German and English (with the exception of the Department of Languages and Literatures). To ensure your studies are successful, you should be proficient in the languages of instruction for your doctoral subject to at least C1 level as defined in the  European Framework of Reference . The Language Center at the University of Basel helps students to attain the required level of proficiency.

Office of the Dean of Research

  • Student Administration Office

Student Administration PhD

Process of doctorate.

A doctorate usually lasts between three and five years and includes a dissertation, curriculum-based courses, and the doctoral examination. Curriculum-based courses make up at least 12 credit points in individual doctorates and at least 18 credit points in doctoral programs. First, however, a doctoral committee must be formed that will define the framework for the doctorate and work with you to draw up a Doctoral Agreement including an individual study plan.

Doctoral committee

Structure and tasks

Every doctorate is supported by a doctoral committee. This committee usually consists of a first and second supervisor but can also include a third person. The first supervisor is primarily responsible for making sure that the doctoral project is conducted correctly and that suitable supervision is provided. The doctoral committee defines the curriculum-based courses to be completed and provides the doctoral candidate with feedback on the quality and progress of his or her work during regular supervisory meetings. All members of the doctoral committee produce an independent, graded evaluation report on the dissertation submitted.

Forming and appointing the committee  

The first supervisor must be appointed when the application for admission to a doctorate is submitted. The application to act as first supervisor must be submitted to the Student Administration Office together with the application for admission. Ideally, all other supervisors should be appointed by the time the doctorate begins. However, the doctoral committee must be named and appointed by the doctoral board at the latest 12 months after the start of the doctorate. The deadline by which the doctoral committee must be appointed is provided to the doctoral candidate along with their admission letter.

Any Group I professor in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Basel can serve as first supervisor. Members of Group II (assistant professors without tenure track, honorary professors who hold a doctorate, and private lecturers with a postdoctoral qualification from the faculty) can serve as first supervisor provided the second supervisor is a Group I professor. In this case, the second supervisor must be named in the first supervisor’s application when the application for admission to a doctorate is submitted. Upon request to the doctoral board – the doctoral agreement shall suffice in this case – honorary professors from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences who hold a doctorate and Group I members from a different faculty at the University of Basel may be deemed equivalent to Group I members from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in matters concerning the doctoral committee. Any of the Group I and II faculty members mentioned above may serve as second supervisor. Upon request – the doctoral agreement shall suffice in this case – the doctoral board may also permit a second supervisor to be appointed from outside the faculty or outside the University of Basel. This person must hold a comparable qualification and position as internal second supervisors and hold the right to confer doctorates at their home institution. All contact details for the external second supervisor requested must be specified in the doctoral agreement (connection to their university, postal and email addresses). The doctoral board decides whether to approve the external second supervisor. The doctoral candidate may apply to the doctoral board to add a third supervisor to the doctoral committee. In the case of a three-person committee, either the second or third supervisor does not need to hold the right to confer doctorates; however, this person must have a demonstrable link to a higher education institution or possess a high level of expertise in the doctoral topic. An informal application letter must be submitted to the doctoral board explaining why the supervisor has been chosen and providing details of their position, institutional connection, and addresses (postal and email address). The application must be supported by the first supervisor. The doctoral board decides whether to approve three-person committees.

Graduation & Publication

Registering for the doctoral examination.

Once doctoral candidates have written their dissertation, passed all curriculum-based courses, and fulfilled all other requirements, they can apply for admission to the doctoral examination. Each candidate must complete the following steps:

  • Submit a copy of the dissertation manuscript to each supervisor. The faculty does not bear any of the costs incurred in sending out dissertation manuscripts.
  • Submit a written application for admission to the doctoral examination (via  Phil App  or  email ) containing all documents specified in the information provided about registering for the doctoral examination .

Candidates should register for the doctoral examination at the latest four months before the desired oral examination date. Doctoral examinations cannot be held during master’s examination sessions. Doctoral candidates are admitted to the doctoral examination once their dissertation has been accepted by the supervisors. The Dean’s Office must be informed of their decision to accept or refuse the dissertation within the four months after the dissertation was submitted. The candidate will be provided with confirmation that the dissertation has been accepted and they have been admitted to the exam when they receive their examination invitation and schedule.

Exam organization and doctoral examination

The examination is held at the latest within two months of acceptance of the dissertation. Doctoral candidates must remain matriculated until the exam takes place. The examination is organized by the Student Administration Services of the Dean’s Office. The doctoral examination is accepted by the supervisor who is chiefly responsible; where possible, the other supervisors on the doctoral committee should always take part in exams. Examiners may participate via Skype upon request, provided that they are participating from a foreign country and that the first supervisor and the candidate attend in person. For an examiner to participate via Skype, all exam participants must provide informal, written consent to the Student Administration Services of the Dean’s Office. The candidate is responsible for the technology required. The Dean’s Office is usually able to provide the necessary devices and internet access. 

Doctoral examinations last for 60 minutes and are not usually open to the public (exceptions must be arranged beforehand with the Student Administration Services of the Dean’s Office). The exam includes a dissertation defense based on the evaluation report provided in advance. The defense starts with a presentation lasting around 15 minutes followed by a discussion, which can cover the wider subject area to which the dissertation belongs. Once the candidate has passed the doctoral examination, the examination chairperson confers the provisional doctorate. Until the doctorate becomes legally binding, the candidate may use the title Dr. phil. des. (Doctor philosophiae designatus).

Doctoral degree transcript and graduation ceremony

The degree transcript is presented at the graduation ceremony. Candidates who pass their exam between February 1 and July 31 attend the ceremony held the following September; candidates who pass between August 1 and January 31 attend the ceremony held the following March. Candidates who are unable to attend the ceremony in person may receive their graduation documents by post upon request.

Publication, doctoral certificate, and right to bear title

The doctoral process is not deemed complete until the candidate has fulfilled their duty of publication and the certificate has been presented. The candidate is obliged to deliver the dissertation in the format specified in the faculty publication guidelines within three years of the doctoral examination. The university library’s instructions for printing and binding dissertations must also be taken into account. Detailed instructions on how to publish dissertations in electronic format can be found in the E-Dissertation  section of the university library’s edoc document server.

Once the candidate has fulfilled their duty of publication, the doctoral certificate will be issued, ideally within two months. The doctoral certificate entitles the bearer to use the academic title «Dr. phil.», or «PhD» in English. The doctorate will be announced in the Kantonsblatt Basel-Stadt.

Doctoral candidates at the University of Basel have the opportunity to apply for grants from various agencies to cover, for example, the costs of attending congresses, organizing events, editing articles, or printing costs.

To the Financing Options

Related links

  • Information by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Graduate Center (GRACE)
  • © University of Basel
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  • Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Legal Notice

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Faculty of Business and Economics

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  • MBA Marketing und Business Development
  • CAS Sustainable Real Estate
  • CEPS | MAS & DAS in Nonprofit Management & Law
  • Management and Organization
  • Organigramm
  • Qualitätssicherung
  • Awards and distinctions
  • Safety and behavior in case of emergency

The Graduate School of Business and Economics (GSBE)

Graduate School of Business and Economics

Contributing to understanding the effectiveness of labour market policies

Contributing to understanding the effectiveness of labour market policies Ulrike Unterhofer, PhD in Labor Economics

At our faculty, the paths are short, which enables an ideal feedback culture during the PhD.

At our faculty, the paths are short, which enables an ideal feedback culture during the PhD. Nico Sütterle, PhD candidate Financial Accounting

Phd program.

Since Spring 2019, graduate education has been offered through the Graduate School of Business and Economics (GSBE). On this page you will find information about the PhD program as well as the relevant forms and regulations. 


Structure of the PhD program

The doctoral degree includes the course work, the research proposal, the dissertation, and the doctoral examination.

More information about the course work and how to earn or transfer credits can be found here .

All doctoral students are required to write a research proposal at the beginning of the doctorate, which serves as the basis for the first research paper and the evaluation at the end of the first year. The research proposal process is coordinated by the Graduate School, they will supply you with the necessary form. If you have any questions, contact the GSBE coordinator . After the evaluation, doctoral students are required to submit their doctoral agreement. 

A second supervisor is added to the doctoral committee by the end of the first year, further supervisors may be added if needed. The forms for this can be found below.

Regular progress meetings between supervisors and PhD students are expected. The GSBE recommends documenting these meetings, e.g. with the form below. The form may be submitted to the GSBE coordination for documentation purposes (optional)

  • Courses and Seminars
  • Recent Academic Placements
  • PhD Funding

Forms and Guidelines

  • Doctoral Agreement (PDF, 1.30 MB)
  • Guidelines Research Proposal (PDF, 835.99 KB)
  • Second supervisor (PDF, 875.59 KB)
  • Additional supervisor (PDF, 876.27 KB)
  • PhD Progress Meeting (PDF, 847.04 KB)
  • Topics for regular progress meetings (PDF, 162.68 KB)
  • Declaration of contributions (PDF, 850.26 KB)


  • ALT Promotionsordnung (bis HS 2023)
  • NEU Promotionsordnung (ab FS 2024) (PDF, 208.79 KB)
  • GSBE Ergänzende Regelungen zur Promotionsordnung (PDF, 63.66 KB)
  • Co-authorship and Economics Lunch (PDF, 459.01 KB)
  • ALT Wegleitung zur Promotionsordnung (bis HS 2023) (PDF, 165.96 KB)
  • Anforderungen zur Publikation der Dissertation (PDF, 76.10 KB)
  • AUSLAUFEND: Anhang zu § 12 Absatz 2: Bildungsangebot | 18.03.2014

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Faculty of Psychology

  • News & events
  • Continuing education
  • Public service
  • Research news
  • Bachelor program
  • Master program
  • Doctoral studies
  • Core research areas
  • Research groups
  • Research networks
  • Career advancement
  • MAS in child and adolescent psychology
  • MAS in person-centered psychology
  • MAS in process-centered psychology
  • CAS in animal-centered psychology
  • CAS in motivational interviewing
  • Center for developmental and personality psychology
  • Center for psychotherapy
  • About the Faculty
  • Management & organization
  • Scientific Integrity
  • PhD program in school psychology, developmental diagnostics and educational counseling
  • Society and Choice Ph.D. Program
  • Health & Interventions

Doctoral programs

Doctoral programs allow a structured course of study, which takes place in thematic clusters and thus contributes to a particularly strong exchange with other researchers.

The following doctoral programs are currently offered:

  • School Psychology, Developmental Diagnostics, and Educational Counseling (SEED)
  • Society and Choice (SC-PSY)
  • Health & Interventions (HI-PSY)
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Department of Chemistry

  • News and Events
  • Sites and Directions
  • Organisation
  • ERC Candidates/Applications
  • SNSF Candidates/Applications
  • AlumniChemistry
  • Open Positions
  • Inorganic Chemistry
  • Organic Chemistry
  • Physical Chemistry
  • Synthesis & Catalysis
  • Nanomaterials
  • Theoretical Chemistry
  • Analytical Chemistry
  • Biological Chemistry
  • Research - in brief
  • Scientific Advisory Board
  • Network and Collaborations
  • Bachelor's Program
  • Master's Program

PhD and Postdoc

  • Prospective Students

As the education of future academics has always been one of our priorities, the Department of Chemistry of the University of Basel invites postgraduate and postdoctoral students from all over the world to join one of its research groups and take the opportunity to do a PhD or postdoc, respectively, on a cutting-edge research project.

In both teaching and research the Department of Chemistry includes the whole breadth and thematic diversity of modern chemistry. In addition to the traditional three pillars of inorganic, organic and physical chemistry, the department has interdisciplinary foci in synthesis & catalysis, chemical biology, nanomaterials, and theoretical chemistry.

Why choose Basel?

As highly esteemed research institution the Department of Chemistry has an excellent international reputation. In a supportive environment we aim to give our students the opportunity to develop their full potential – scientifically and in their personality.

Our PhD Chemistry Community ( PCC ) is run by graduates and young researchers at the Department of Chemistry of the University of Basel and aims at enhancing collaboration and promoting community spirit, both by arranging events across the department, but also by improving your research environment encouraging collaboration between research groups.

The Basel area is one of the most productive and innovative economic regions in the world and home of numerous international chemical and pharmaceutical as well as biotech start-up companies. Located in the trinational region of Switzerland, Germany and France, Basel is a vibrant city with a rich cultural life and pleasant mediterranean flair.

Further Information

  • Application and Admission
  • Semester Dates
  • Documents for PhD Students
  • Course Directory
  • Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation PhD Scholarship
  • Graduate Center
  • PhD and Postdoc Chemistry Community (PCC)
  • Student Life

Quick Links

  • Room Reservation Tool
  • © University of Basel
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  • Administrative Services
  • Technical Services
  • Contact Webmaster

Department of Physics

  • News & Events
  • Seminars & Colloquia
  • Public Events
  • Nano- & Quantum Physics
  • Cosmology & Particle Physics
  • Computational Physics
  • Basel Quantum Center
  • Swiss Nanoscience Institute (SNI)
  • Basel QC2 Center
  • Start-ups & Spin-offs
  • Honors & Awards
  • Scientific Advisory Board
  • NCCR QSIT (ended in 2022)
  • Bachelor Physics
  • Study Structure Bachelor
  • Schülerstudium
  • PhD Doctoral Program
  • QCQT PhD School
  • Honors Track
  • Physics Studies Committee
  • Course Directory
  • Saturday Morning Physics
  • Safety & Emergency
  • Documents & Leaflets
  • SNF & ERC Candidates/Applications


PhD in Physics: General Information

If you are interested in doing a PhD in Physics at our Department, the first steps to get admitted to the doctoral degree program, are to:

  • Verify if you are eligible for the Physics doctoral degree program.  As a condition for admission into the Physics doctoral degree program, the University of Basel requires a master’s degree (usually, but not necessarily, in Physics) or a degree considered equivalent to a master’s degree. Click  here  for details or contact the  admissions' office  for specific information.  For applicants holding another type of degree, the admissions committee of the Faculty of Science decides case-by-case whether the degree can be considered equivalent to a master’s degree. A bachelor’s degree in general is considered insufficient for an admission into the doctoral degree program.
  • Identify the   field of research   you are being interested
  • Apply directly to the professor heading the group (PI) your are interested and qualified to work in. Include in your application: a letter of motivation, your CV, and 1-2 references.

Applicants who are eligible for the Physics doctoral degree program, whom the PI of the respective research group has approved, do not have to undergo any further examinations. Admitted applicants will be employed at the Department of Physics by the University of Basel.

Doctoral students in general must earn at least 12 credit points (CP), those in a PhD program/school at least 18 CP respectively, in order to fulfill the requirements of the Faculty of Science. They are encouraged to follow advanced courses (offered for the master degree program) to extend or deepen their knowledge. Also, once applicants have found a PhD advisor and once applicants have met the admission criteria as described in the above paragraph, no further examinations are usually required for admission into the PhD program.

Visa / Residence Permit

Doctoral students who come from a EU/EFTA country need a  residence permit  and a  work permit . In addition to that, students from countries other than the EU/EFTA usually need a  visa  to be allowed to study, work and live in Switzerland.

Please consider that both processing permit and visa applications can take up to several weeks. Make sure you handle your application in a timely manner.


Matriculation is compulsory for doctoral students at the University of Basel. They have to be matriculated at the earliest possible date and remain enrolled for the entire duration of their doctoral studies. Click  here  for further information regarding the matriculation. 

The tuition fee at the University of Basel for doctoral students is currently CHF 350 per semester. Click  here  for details on tuition fees.

Working as a PhD student

In general all doctoral students at our Department will be employed, usually as a teaching assistant, with a salary sufficient to cover the cost of living and studying in Basel. The teaching activities total between half-a-day to a day per week during the semesters (e.g. teaching exercises, laboratory courses or other educational activities). These teaching activities can be performed in German (and English). Employment outside the Department for students on a visa is usually not allowed.

English is the main language at the Department of Physics. The knowledge of German (the official language of Basel) might be helpful in everyday situations, yet it is not required for the participation in research projects on the PhD level. Our Department hosts a diverse community of scientific personnel originating from a large number of different countries.

Living and Working in Basel

Basel lies in the heart of Europe, in the center of the idyllic border triangle of France, Germany and Switzerland, on the banks of the river Rhine. The Department is located within the city, close to the center. Basel is a small but mighty city that is offering a rich and very diversified range of cultural events and countless options for outdoor activities and excursions. The city has a long tradition of hosting international fairs and events and is also a thriving center for start-up and tech companies (e.g.  Nanosurf ,  Rolic ,   CSEM ).

Click  here  for more information on living and working in Basel.

  • Graduate Center for Doctoral Candidates
  • PhD Guidelines and Documents

Studies coordinator

The information on this website is not legally binding and may not reflect the most recent changes in the study regulations (Studienordnung). To obtain more information and in case of questions, please contact us .

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Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

  • News & Events
  • Mathematics
  • Computer Science
  • Scientific Advisory Board
  • Actuarial Science
  • Data Science

Doctoral Program in Mathematics

We offer people with a master of science in mathematics or an equivalent degree the opportunity to pursue a doctorate in one of our research fields.

Research fields

Doctoral programs.

  • Swiss Doctoral Program
  • Computational Toolbox

[Translate to English:] Doktoranden im Gespräch

I completed my doctoral studies in mathematics in Basel. I really liked the atmosphere, which included a lot of exchange between doctoral students and postdocs thanks to regular events. Prof. Dr. Karin Baur, Universität Graz
  • Brochure Research Mathematics (in German)
An easygoing atmosphere prevails in mathematics at the University of Basel. People know each other well, learn from one another, and as a result also like to look beyond the boundaries of their own field. I profited greatly from this inspiring environment during my doctoral studies. Dr. Roland Lötscher, KSL Limmattal
  • Bernoulli’s Round Table
  • Documents (matriculated up until spring semester 2016)
  • Documents (matriculated since fall semester 2016)
  • Guidelines for assistant faculty
The University of Basel has traditionally offered diverse programs of study in mathematics. In hindsight, I can say that a solid basic knowledge of logic, algebra, and topology as well as geometry, analysis, and physics is very important. It is also important to be curious. I wish all the beginning doctoral students a lot of fun in their studies! Prof. Dr. Sebastian Baader, Universität Bern

[Translate to English:] Heidi Karypidis

Mathematics Study Coordinator

Heidi karypidis.

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Spiegelgasse 1, 4051 Basel Office EG 00.001 Tel. +41 61 207 39 90 Mon - Thu in the morning By appointment: heidi.karypidis@ clutter Or spontaneously: knock and enter

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Department of Environmental Sciences

  • Research Groups
  • Scientific Advisory Board

PhD - Doctorate


The Department of Environmental Sciences offers opportunities to pursue individual doctorates in the following subjects:

  • Geosciences
  • Prehistory and Archaeological Science
  • Environmental Sciences

A doctorate can only be taken up in consultation and agreement with the respective professor .

In addition, it is possible (but not mandatory) to participate in one of several doctoral programs/PhD school:

  • PhD Program in Plant Sciences  of Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center (PSC) , which the University of Basel offers together with the University of Zurich and the ETH
  • PhD Program in Science and Policy of Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center (PSC) , which the University of Basel offers together with the University of Zurich and the ETH
  • Water-Earth Systems PhD School , which the University of Basel offers together with the University of Neuchâtel, EAWAG, University of Lausanne, University of Bern, and the ETH

For the PhD Programs in Plant Sciences, and in Science and Policy, it is possible to register within three months of enrolling.

Doctoral Programs and PhD School

PhD Program in Plant Sciences

PhD Program in Plant Sciences

PhD Program in Science and Policy

PhD Program in Science and Policy

Water-Earth Systems PhD School

  • Water-Earth Systems PhD School

PhD related links

  • Doctoral Studies Regulations and Documents - Faculty of Science
  • Application & Admission
  • Graduate Center of the University of Basel (GRACE)
  • Plant Science Center (PSC) PhD Programs
  • Individual funding for doctoral candidates
  • Antelope Career Program
  • Transferable Skills
  • Assistants’ Association of the University of Basel (avuba)

Further Information

  • Welcome Center
  • Important Dates
  • University of Basel Course Directory
  • Advisory Services at the University of Basel
  • Basel Student Advice Center
  • Student Association Mind-Map
  • Walk-in psychological help for everyone
  • Avuba Events for PhD students
  • Doctoral Agreement with sheets for the Doctoral Committee meetings


Dr. Jelena Rajkov

PhD Coordinator

Bernoullistrasse 30, Office 013 4056 Basel

Office days: Mon - Thu

Tel.  +41 61 207 23 27

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  • Degree Programs
  • Contact and Opening Hours

Department of Ancient Civilizations

  • News & Events
  • Subject Areas
  • Press Review
  • Publications
  • Job Vacancies and Advertisements
  • Social Media
  • Events Archive
  • Prospective Students
  • Latinum & Graecum
  • Academic Advice

Doctoral Program

  • Research Events
  • Final Theses
  • Collegium Beatus Rhenanus (CBR)
  • Board & Organization
  • Media Libraries & Collections
  • Associations & Cooperations
  • Scientific Advisory Board
  • Dr. Daniel Schuhmann Fund
  • Ancient History
  • Classical Archaeology
  • Latin Philology
  • Greek Philology
  • Vindonissa Professorship for the Archaeology of the Roman Provinces
  • Historical-Comparative Linguistics

European Archaeology


Doctorate in Ancient Civilizations

The subject areas of Egyptology, Classical Archaeology, Greek Studies, Latin Studies, Historical-Comparative Linguistics, Ancient History and European Archaeology represented in the Department of Ancient Civilizations offer a structured doctoral program oriented towards the successful completion of its members' doctoral studies. The Doctoral Program of the Department of Ancient Civilizations (DBAW) provides an institutional framework for doctoral projects of widely varying scope, which are conducted in one of the participating subject areas.

The combination of in-depth subject-specific courses with interdisciplinary courses in Ancient Civilizations ensures doctoral students optimal academic qualification and advancement. Disciplinary offers are geared towards integrating doctoral students into the current research of their respective subject and towards imparting innovative research methods. Interdisciplinary courses are dedicated to cultural research of antiquity, are oriented towards methodology and theory, and include sociological research questions (e.g. hegemony, ethnicity, religion, gender, economy, migration) or issues of cultural and art studies (e.g. image-text relations, iconography, aesthetics).

Doctoral Subjects

Six subject areas of the Department of Ancient Civilizations offer a doctoral subject and permit doctoral candidates to apply for admission to the Doctoral Program in Ancient Civilizations .

phd at university of basel

The doctoral program offers the optimal conditions for academic qualification and scientific advancement because it provides both subject-specific and interdisciplinary courses, drawn from fields such as sociology, anthropology, and art history, among others.


Events for doctoral students

Two female students in front of laptop

Faculty information

Here you can find all information about a doctorate at the Philosophical-Historical Faculty of the University of Basel

  • Graduate Center GRACE
  • Financing options
  • Important documents for the doctorate

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Department of Languages and Literatures

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  • Language and Communication in Basel
  • Student Advisory
  • Doctoral Program in Linguistics

Doctoral Program in Literary Studies

  • Departmental Assembly
  • Administration
  • Teaching Committees
  • Scientific Advisory Board

Start-Up Grants

  • Forms and Guidelines


Welcome to the Doctoral Program in Literary Studies

The Doctoral Program in Literary Studies (DPL) at the University of Basel offers doctoral students in literary studies and related fields an intensively supervised, interphilological doctoral program. More

Selected courses enable students to look beyond their own discipline in order to discover common interests, broaden their professional horizons, and establish social contacts. These include recurring doctoral colloquia, study and networking days, and retreats. In addition, once a year, the doctoral program funds a Seminar in Cultural Practice, which provides insights into various aspects of the literary market. More

Each year, the Doctoral Program in Literary Studies awards up to three one-year start-up grants. These allow promising young researchers to develop their dissertation project and apply for follow-up funding at appropriate places. More

Interested? Learn more about the application process. More

Dr. Dr. Christian Hänggi University of Basel English Department, Office 21a Nadelberg 6 4051 Basel

E-mail: dok-lit@ clutter

[Translate to English:] Thauma(u)topoiesis

15 Jun 2024 / Research, Doctorate/PhD, People

Micha huff publishes "thauma(u)topoiesis", 27 feb 2024 / research, doctorate/phd, call: start-up grant (chf 30k).

Four new books

14 Feb 2024 / News, Research, Doctorate/PhD

Four new books: congratulations, lucas knierzinger, daniel lüthi, thibault martinetti, and clea wanner.

Beastly Writing

23 Jan 2024 / News, Studies, People

Looking back: beastly writing: animal representations in changing literature.

Jérôme Laubner: Vénus malade

04 Jan 2024 / Research, Doctorate/PhD, People

Jérôme laubner appointed maître de conférences at montpellier, publishes "vénus malade", 06 dec 2023, sina dell'anno receives faculty prize, 13 sep 2023, start-up grants, chf 30,000 each: call for applications.

Jodok Trösch: Wild translation

18 Jul 2023 / Research, Doctorate/PhD, People

Jodok trösch's "wildes übersetzen" published.

Moby Dick

29 Jun 2023 / Studies, People

Beastly writing: dpl members teach course about literary representation of animals.

Sina Dell'Anno: Satura

20 Jun 2023 / Research, Doctorate/PhD, People

Sina dell'anno's "satura - monstrous writing in antiquity and enlightenment" is published.

Hotel Bad Murtensee

DPL Retreat

Past events.

Sörenberg Organizer: Tammy Imboden

Writing Retreat

Writing Retreat 2023 (with a little help from AI)

Maiengasse 51, salle 105

Journée d'étude : Diversité et Multiplicité

Summer aperitif.

Regenzzimmer 111 / Seminarraum 106

Study and Networking Day

Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 001

Conversatorio: Retratos del Perú en la narrativa de Karina Pacheco

Karina Pacheco: El año del viento

Symposium: Decolonial Imaginaries in Literary and Urban Studies

Englisches Seminar, Grosser Hörsaal, Nadelberg 6, Basel

Fremdmat Heimheit: Performance & Entretien

Schloss Münchenwiler Organizer: Doktoratsprogramm Literaturwissenschaft

Retreat of the Doctoral Program

Alte Universität, Rheinsprung 9, 4051 Basel, Seminar room -201

The Virtual East: Eastern European Video Game Landscapes

Maiengasse 51, Raum 105 Organizer: Französisches Seminar

International conference: Tasting Funny – Drôle de goût

Tasting funny - Drôle de goût

Doctoral Program in Literary Studies | University of Basel | Dr. Dr. Christian Hänggi | Nadelberg 6 | 4051 Basel ,  dok-lit@ clutter

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PhD Position in Nonprofit Management

100 %, 1. October 2024 (later starting dates are possible)

Within a Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) supported project, the Center for Philanthropy Studies (CEPS) of the University of Basel is searching for a PhD Student. The CEPS is directed by Prof. Dr. Georg von Schnurbein and the research project is affiliated to the Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Basel, one of the leading research universities in Europe. The position is limited to four years and the earliest starting date is October 1st, 2024.

Your position As PhD student you will conduct a dissertation and your research will contribute to the SNSF supported project titled “Balancing Trust and Accountability: Charities, Government, and Society” that will investigate the cross-sector opinions on trust and accountability from different stakeholder perspectives including charities, foundations, government, and the general public. This project is an international collaboration with colleagues from the U.S., Canada, and Scotland.

Your profile The ideal candidate has an excellent Master degree in Management, Economics or a related field in Social Sciences. Solid knowledge of management and corresponding research methods and an interest in applying these skills to understand the relevance of trust and accountability, especially on nonprofits and foundations. Experience in applying empirical and qualitative methods are desired.

We offer you The successful applicant will be offered individual mentoring and will be part of the Graduate School of Business and Economics (GSBE) at the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Basel. The salary will be competitive and additional resources are available for conference travel. Basel is situated at the river Rhine right at the border to France and Germany. It's a great place to live and work. Health care, quality of life, and public transportation meet the highest international standards.

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University of Basel

Phd position in nonprofit management, about the employer.

University of Basel

University of Basel ranks among the world’s one hundred best universities and boast a top-ten place among German-speaking universities.

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PhD position: Global History/Violence Studies with a regional focus on the Southwestern Pacific

The Department of History at the University of Basel, Switzerland, invites applications for a PhD position in a global history project led by Prof. Dr. Marie Muschalek (principal investigator, PI),...

Postdoc position: Global History/Material Culture/Violence Studies/Human-Animal Studies

The Department of History at the University of Basel, Switzerland, invites applications for a postdoctoral position in a global history project led by Prof. Dr. Marie Muschalek (principal investiga...

PhD student position – Infection Biology

The Department of Biomedicine is a joint effort between the University of Basel and the University Hospitals Basel. It unites basic and clinical scientists to advance our understanding of health an...

PhD position on novel mRNA nanotherapeutics against antibiotic-resistant pulmonary infections (P2405)

The Swiss Nanoscience Institute (SNI) at the University of Basel invites highly motivated scientists to apply for the SNI PhD program in Nanoscience.Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a global healt...

PhD position: Spin waves get a twist! (P2402) 100 %

We are looking for a PhD student for a joint research project of the Quantum Sensing Lab at the University of Basel led by Prof. P. Maletinsky ( and Mesosco...

PhD student in Structural Biology by NMR 100%

How does life emerge from molecules and cells? This is the central question that motivates us. With curiosity and passion, we investigate the entire spectrum ranging from the atom to the organism. ...

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Jobs by field

  • Programming Languages 188
  • Electrical Engineering 187
  • Artificial Intelligence 164
  • Machine Learning 163
  • Materials Engineering 149
  • Molecular Biology 143
  • Computational Sciences 139
  • Materials Chemistry 136
  • Cell Biology 129
  • Electronics 124

Jobs by type

  • Postdoc 342
  • Assistant / Associate Professor 140
  • Researcher 115
  • Professor 93
  • Engineer 74
  • Research assistant 69
  • Management / Leadership 60
  • Lecturer / Senior Lecturer 57

Jobs by country

  • Belgium 280
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  • Morocco 129
  • Germany 120
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  • Luxembourg 81

Jobs by employer

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phd at university of basel

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Doctoral Candidates


Various options are available for PhD funding, in particular personal scholarships and project grants. However, you can not solve the funding question by yourself.

Please contact your professor who will be responsible for supervising your doctoral studies. The financing question must be discussed and solved before you start your dissertation.

For specific questions regarding financing and career advancement, please contact the Career Advancement Office .

Financing Doctorate at the University of Basel

Project funding by the swiss national science foundation.

Funding possibility for doctorates within the framework of successfully submitted SNSF research projects by the supervising professor. Project submission as principal applicant is only possible from the postdoc level or under the supervision of a professor.

  • Project funding by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)

Research Fund of the University of Basel for the promotion of outstanding junior researchers

The research fund awards grants to outstanding junior researchers at the University of Basel who are pursuing an academic career and have already distinguished themselves through their outstanding achievements. The fund provides grants for completing their dissertations to outstanding PhD students from the following faculties: Theology, Law, Humanities and Social Sciences, Business and Economics as well as PhD students in educational sciences and in social or organizational psychology.

  • Research Fund University of Basel – Promotion of outstanding junior researchers

Nikolaus and Bertha Burckhardt-Bürgin Foundation

Currently, the Foundation Board is in the course of revising and realigning the funding purpose of the Foundation. Further information will follow in 2024.

  • Nikolaus und Bertha Burckhardt-Bürgin Foundation
  • Private Foundations

Various foundations and funds are available for scientific or academic projects related to the University of Basel.

Further information

Here you will find further information about doing your doctorate at the University of Basel (GRACE).

  • Websites for PhD students in GRACE

Contributions for PhD students with children

  • get on track

The «get on track» funding line is aimed at mothers and fathers doing their doctorate at the University of Basel. With the aim of enabling them to complete their doctorate within the given time frame, release options are advertised every semester.

Scholarships for foreign researchers

  • Find a PhD position

Before you can take further steps towards a dissertation at the University of Basel, you will need a supervisor. With this person you will clarify topic and financing for the entire duration of the dissertation ( preliminary information for international PhD candidates ).

  • Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships for Foreign Scholars and Artists

The Swiss Confederation provides various types of scholarships to international students through the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS). These scholarships enable researchers from all disciplines to continue their doctoral or postdoctoral research at a public or state-recognized Swiss university. Scholarships and conditions depend on the country of origin.

Mobility and research stays abroad


Doc.Mobility@unibas are mobility grants from the University of Basel, which can be applied for by doctoral students wishing to improve their scientific profile at a research institute abroad.

The swissuniversities scholarship service manages foreign government scholarships from more than 30 countries on behalf of the Confederation. The scholarships are intended for Swiss students, researchers and partially artists for a study or research stay abroad.

Doctorate abroad

The European Molecular Biology Laboratory is an intergovernmental organization specialized in basic research in the life sciences. The EMBL announces an international doctoral program.

  • EMBL International PhD Programme

Conference participation

Travel to congresses and conferences with own scientific contribution.

  • Travel fund for junior researchers at the University of Basel
  • SAGW travel funds

To promote communication and the exchange of research results in an international context, the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences (SAGW) provides travel grants to junior researchers.

Private foundations

  • Directory of Foundations

Grants for scientific retreats or graduate events

  • Grants for scientific retreats

The Rectorate of the University of Basel offers an annual grant to carry out events for junior researchers. Support is provided for disciplinary and interdisciplinary, intra-university, national or international events for junior researchers, such as meetings for PhD students with external experts.

  • Grants for guest lectures

The Albrecht Travel Fund provides support to certain further education events as part of doctoral promotion at the University of Basel. Applications for guest speakers may be submitted provided they contribute to the further qualification of junior researchers as part of scientific retreats or graduate events at the University of Basel.

  • Scientific Exchanges

Scientific Exchanges is aimed at researchers who want to organize their own scientific event in Switzerland, invite foreign colleagues for a research stay in Switzerland or visit them abroad.

Publication costs

Printing cost contributions for publication of dissertations.

The Vice President's Office for Research awards printing cost contributions to applicants who have completed their doctorate at the University of Basel. A contribution towards printing costs can also be requested from the Faculty of Humanities and the Faculty of Law.

  • Printing cost contribution for publication of dissertations

Editing cost contributions for papers in English

With the funding instrument «Academic Editing», the University of Basel encourages its doctoral students to to enhance their scientific writing skills for research publications in English.

  • Academic Editing University of Basel

Links & Downloads

  • Career Advancement Office
  • Doctorate at the University of Basel
  • Incoming PhD candidates (PDF, 403 KB)
  • University of Basel Calls
  • Research Professional
  • Euresearch Career Funding
  • Established Researchers
  • International Incoming
  • International Outgoing
  • Coaching (SNSF Starting Grants and SNSF Consolidator Grants)
  • Research Fund Junior Researchers

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  1. PhD

    phd at university of basel

  2. PhD Position in Mathematics at the University of Basel Switzerland 2021

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  3. 16 Fully Funded PhD Programs at University of Basel, Switzerland

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  4. 10 PhD Degree-Fully Funded at University of Basel, Switzerland

    phd at university of basel

  5. Anthony MAHLER

    phd at university of basel

  6. PhD Candidates

    phd at university of basel


  1. Doctoral Studies

    Admission requirements. Admission to doctoral studies generally requires a master's degree from a higher education institution recognized by the University of Basel. The faculty-specific doctoral degree regulations specify additional admission requirements as well as the discipline-specific requirements with respect to equivalence and supervision.

  2. Find a PhD Position

    Find a PhD Position. To ensure you are prepared to tackle your dissertation, you need a supervisor who is prepared to supervise your dissertation. It is common to use your master's thesis, research idea or exposé to submit a proposal directly in your desired area of research. You will probably have the opportunity to come into contact ...

  3. PhD Candidates

    PhD Candidates The advancement of young researchers is a high priority at the University of Basel. PhD candidates have a wide range of opportunities for promoting their professional and personal development.

  4. Doctoral studies

    The University of Basel offers various support services (advice, training, funding). The doctoral studies comprise the dissertation, the doctoral examination, programme framework, and—if a condition of admission—the colloquium, and are subject to governance.

  5. PhD

    At present approximately 120 PhD students are enrolled in our program and carry out their research in one of 60 research labs affiliated with the Department of Biomedicine; these candidates will obtain a PhD degree from the Faculty of Science of the University of Basel.

  6. Doctorate

    The Basel Graduate School of History (BGSH) doctoral program enables you to pursue a structured doctorate in a theoretically, methodologically and thematically stimulating environment with close collaboration between doctoral researchers. In addition to writing your dissertation, the BGSH curriculum allows you to earn 18 credit points.

  7. PhD Program

    Structure of the PhD program. The doctoral degree includes the course work, the research proposal, the dissertation, and the doctoral examination. More information about the course work and how to earn or transfer credits can be found here. All doctoral students are required to write a research proposal at the beginning of the doctorate, which ...

  8. Doctoral programs

    Doctoral programs. close / open. PhD program in school psychology, developmental diagnostics and educational counseling. Society and Choice Ph.D. Program. Health & Interventions.

  9. PhD and Postdoc

    PhD and Postdoc As the education of future academics has always been one of our priorities, the Department of Chemistry of the University of Basel invites postgraduate and postdoctoral students from all over the world to join one of its research groups and take the opportunity to do a PhD or postdoc, respectively, on a cutting-edge research project.

  10. Sociology (PhD)

    Sociology (PhD)Research into contemporary social phenomena. At the University of Basel's Department of Sociology, doctoral candidates can either study for a doctorate separately, or as part of the doctoral program of the Graduate School of Social Sciences doctoral program. In both cases, potential doctoral students must agree on a project ...

  11. PhD Doctoral Program

    Admitted applicants will be employed at the Department of Physics by the University of Basel. Doctoral students in general must earn at least 12 credit points (CP), those in a PhD program/school at least 18 CP respectively, in order to fulfill the requirements of the Faculty of Science. They are encouraged to follow advanced courses (offered ...

  12. Admission to Doctoral Studies

    In general, admission to a doctorate requires a recognized master's degree from a higher education institution recognized by the University of Basel. The doctoral study regulations (see doctoral disciplines) stipulate additional admission requirements and subject-specific requirements concerning equivalence and supervision. Degrees from university-based continuing education courses do not ...

  13. Doctoral Program

    The University of Basel has traditionally offered diverse programs of study in mathematics. In hindsight, I can say that a solid basic knowledge of logic, algebra, and topology as well as geometry, analysis, and physics is very important. It is also important to be curious. I wish all the beginning doctoral students a lot of fun in their ...

  14. PhD -Doctorate

    PhD - Doctorate. The Department of Environmental Sciences offers opportunities to pursue individual doctorates in the following subjects: A doctorate can only be taken up in consultation and agreement with the respective professor. In addition, it is possible (but not mandatory) to participate in one of several doctoral programs/PhD school:

  15. PhD

    Full University Status - The University of Basel has full university status. It offers degree programmes across the arts and sciences, ranging from Archaeology to Zoology. One of our distinctive strengths is the focus on Culture and Life Sciences. Popular - Comprising 9'000 undergraduate and 2'000 postgraduate and doctoral students, the ...

  16. Doctorate

    Doctorate in Ancient Civilizations. The subject areas of Egyptology, Classical Archaeology, Greek Studies, Latin Studies, Historical-Comparative Linguistics, Ancient History and European Archaeology represented in the Department of Ancient Civilizations offer a structured doctoral program oriented towards the successful completion of its ...

  17. PhD (Dr. sc. med.)

    The PhD Program in Nursing Science offers training in advanced quantitative and qualitative research methods as well as implementation science methods. The program builds on strong multidisciplinary educational and research infrastructures available at the University of Basel.

  18. Graduate Schools and Doctoral Programs

    The University of Basel has been in a consolidation phase of its doctoral education since 2016. At the same time, key issues for the development of new graduate schools and doctoral programs have been identified together with the faculties and the PhD Committee. Doctoral programs can either belong to a faculty, department or an individual ...

  19. University of Basel PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

    University of Basel Biozentrum. Share your passion for life sciences and apply for the independent Biozentrum PhD Fellowships. The deadline for applications for this Winter Call is October 5th, 2024. Read more. Funded PhD Programme (Students Worldwide) Switzerland PhD Programme. More Details.

  20. Doctoral Program in Literary Studies

    The Doctoral Program in Literary Studies (DPL) at the University of Basel offers doctoral students in literary studies and related fields an intensively supervised, interphilological doctoral program.

  21. Universität Basel: PhD Position in Nonprofit Management

    Within a Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) supported project, the Center for Philanthropy Studies (CEPS) of the University of Basel is searching for a PhD Student. The CEPS is directed by Prof. Dr. Georg von Schnurbein and the research project is affiliated to the Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Basel, one of the leading research universities in Europe. The ...

  22. English Linguistics (PhD)

    English Linguistics (PhD) Research on language acquisition, language in action, and discourse analysis of English. Candidates with appropriate qualifications have the opportunity to pursue a doctoratein English Linguistics through the Department of Languages and Literatures at the University of Basel. A prerequisite for this course of study is ...

  23. PhD Position in Nonprofit Management

    Within a Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) supported project, the Center for Philanthropy Studies (CEPS) of the University of Basel is searching for a PhD Student. The CEPS is directed by Prof. Dr. Georg von Schnurbein and the research project is affiliated to the Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Basel, one of the ...

  24. Doctoral Candidates

    Doctoral Candidates (© University of Basel) Various options are available for PhD funding, in particular personal scholarships and project grants. However, you can not solve the funding question by yourself. Please contact your professor who will be responsible for supervising your doctoral studies.

  25. Emplois jobs ch (Bâle, BS)

    The PhD training will include structural biology, biophysics, biochemistry as well as formal education within the Biozentrum's graduate teaching program. Basel is an international city with people from 150 nations. Located where three countries meet - Switzerland, Germany and France - it is Europe's most important life sciences hub.